
This website is sponsored by Meenit Goldiya Education office.

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The office is bulding in the area of pastorilists and farmers. The farmers using agirculture as day today activities but cattle breading is the day to day activities of pastorialists.

In meenit Goldiya education office the office is lead by main manger and vice manager with several stake holders. Under the office there are 21 junieor schools, 42 primary schools, 4 high schools and 1 primary school in total of 67 schools. In this schools 1110 teachers are give teaching learning service and 35366 stundents are attend the learnigng processes of 2010.

In this schools 48 of them childerns learn by their mother touge language and 231 teachers giving service for mother touge teaching process. In the next year stundents will be take regiona national exam minester by their mother touge language.